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DoKomi 2024 Recap

DoKomi 2024 - A meet with Shiyui?#

Ah yes, DoKomi 2024! Just looking back at this event, I brought a lot of precious memories with me. I must admit, I am usually not the biggest fan of DoKomi. It’s not the type of convention that I am usually looking forward to or rather for the wrong reasons.


An annual convention all around Anime, Manga and Japan! It is one of the largest conventions in Europe with roughly 200000 visitors each year across 3 days. Hosted in the beautiful city of Düsseldorf in Germany, many different artists, creators and musicians gather for a wonderful weekend!

Source: DoKomi Press Kit

You see, the main attraction for the DoKomi each year is to either meet new people, perhaps attend some meet & greets from popular creators, just a quick glance or a huge shopping detour and by huge I mean huge!

I am personally not the type of person to go around and randomly approach people. Even though I am well aware that everyone is probably just as awkward as me, it is very daunting. The creators that are being invited are usually not too interesting for me either (sorry!). The artist hall and all the different things to shop make it very attractive for me each year, but not gets me fired up to spend 3 entire days there!


On average you can expect over 250 creators, artists and other types of exhibitions selling goods or showcasing all kinds of fascinating things as well as over 1000 fan-booths!

Source: DoKomi Press Kit

Regardless, I tend to throw away a lot of money whenever I visit. I also usually don’t travel alone really, but this year was a tiny bit different. All because a certain artist has made her mark with her first out-of-Japan performance! It is none other than Shiyui herself! While a lot of people might not be familiar with who Shiyui is and I personally cannot blame you. She is not the biggest artist ever.

In general, DoKomi is not known for having crazy acts or concerts but this year they did bring some bangers with them! As a certified Shiyui fangirl, I couldn’t help myself but dedicate this trip to her!


An Utaite (Cover singer for Vocaloid music), who made her debut back in 2021, released her first album "be noble" this year, after having released 2 EPs and having sung the ending theme for the Anime "Mobile Suite Gundum THE WITCH FROM MERCURY".

Source: Sony Music Label

That’s why it is sometimes so hard for me to spend multiple days at DoKomi because of the lack of acts that interest me, but this year was different! Having seen that Shiyui were to hold a concert made me extremely excited!

To be continued …

DoKomi 2024 Recap
Kino Kanadechi
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